Friday, August 31, 2007

I've been Tagged...

I have been meaning to write so many things down these last few days...I am SO far behind!...And now I've been tagged by Karen at
...So I have yet another thing to write here. Being tagged, for those of you who haven't been fortunate enough to experience it, means writing 8 things about yourself and then tagging 8 more people to do the same so here goes...

1. I am a slurpee junkie
2. I live for my two kids...I have no idea what I did with my life before they came along...oh wait...
3. Spent more quiet time with my husband. Yup we have been married for five years, but to me our anniversary is Halloween '97, when we held hands and it all started...almost a decade ago now!!
4. Together we have backpacked Australia and New Zealand, honeymooned in Rarotonga (in the Cook Islands), cruised to Alaska (thanks to my parents) and visited Mexico in the heat of last summer with our son in tow (right after we found out we were pregnant with Jenna)...I am a travel addict.
5. I am having a garage sale tomorrow (Sat) - I am saving up for my dream camera and accessories...yeah so come and buy lots!
6. I am a professional student as well as a teacher, though right now I am more of a full-time mommy.
7. I want people to think I am both funny and creative.
8. I take Lyrical Jazz dance classes

Phew, that was hard, hope you enjoyed it 'cause I don't do a lot of these type of chain things because...

9. I detest CHAIN email!....
Therefor to save some of you out there from being tagged, I choose to tag no one...sorry...yeah I know what your are thinking...maybe she just doesn't have enough friends...maybe...

PS...I am so glad blogger autosaves...I wrote this whole thing last night and then just as I was about to post it, the power went out! -- figures!

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